"Drinks To-Go" Extended to 2030 for New York State Bars and Restaurants

May 15, 2024

The sale of alcoholic beverages to-go was a critical revenue stream for bars and restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic when dining in was shut down. In 2022, drinks to-go was established as law, allowing licensed businesses to sell alcoholic beverages to take out customers for a 3-year period ending in April of 2025.

There had been much discussion about whether the drinks to-go law would be extended past 2025. Thankfully a 5-year extension allowing for the current “drinks to go” law to continue through 2030 was included in the Fiscal Year 2025 New York State Budget.

Now, bars and restaurants will be able to continue selling “drinks to go” through 2030. Business owners should note they are still subject to the previous limits on drinks sold to-go. These main limits require all alcoholic drinks to-go be sold in certain sealed containers, accompanied by a substantial food item, during the county closing hours where the business operates.

You cannot sell bottles of wine or liquor by the bottle. Moreover, you, or your delivery agent, is responsible for ensuring the purchaser has a valid ID and for verifying their identity and age at the time of delivery.

Please contact our office to discuss how this new measure may impact your business.

Attorney Carolynn E. Grennell is a member of our corporate law practice. She works with clients to address a wide variety of business needs. Carolynn has a wealth of experience assisting bars and restaurants through the complex process of obtaining a New York liquor license as well as with renewals and other related issues that arise. She can be reached at 716-854-4300 ext. 257 or cgrennell@gross-shuman.com